Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Small Beginnings, Exponential Growth

     Jesus gave a parable comparing the beginning of his kingdom to a tiny mustard seed. That individual seed was so small and common that it seemed to be worthless. Its minuscule proportions were even more exaggerated when it was sown in a field.  But, it grew.  In fact, it grew so large that Matthew recorded it became a tree (Matthew 13:31-32). Luke said "it grew, and waxed a great tree" (Luke 13:19). Its growth was so significant that birds could rest among its branches and find shelter beneath them. Like Jesus's mustard plant, his kingdom would experience exponential growth. It would become a powerful force. Wilford Woodruff prophesied, "it will fill the world" (TPC: Joseph Smith, 137). Today, we see those prophecies being fulfilled. The gospel of Jesus Christ is spreading across every corner of the earth.
Mustard Seed

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