Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bon voyage and Cinco de Mayo

Hi all;
     After 6 months of planning and preparing, I'm packed and ready to go.  Cinco de Mayo is just one of the many coincidences connected to this Middle East excursion and, given my love for celebrating the 5th of May, it's a fitting day to embark on my journey.
The final chapters of my, "Plants of the Bible" book


  1. So long!! Have so much fun! We all will miss you!

  2. Wow--I didn't even know you were doing this! Good luck and I'll be following your blog to keep up with your exciting and busy life!

  3. So excited for you! Enjoy Paris! I love that city! And can't wait to hear of your adventures in the Middle East. You are amazing and wonderful! Lots of Love and best wishes for a safe and enriching trip--Diane Child
