Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 15, 2014

     We visited an archaeological site last night that took us under the Old Jerusalem.  After centuries of exchanging nations and conquerers, there are layers of cities built on top of each other in the same place as Old Jerusalem.  Herod built advance roads and water systems, bridges and walls that have been uncovered.
     Today we went to Jerusalem's Hebrew University where, we were shown botanical gardens (yeah!), ancient artifacts, spectacular views of the region, as well as a fascinating lecture on the Israeli-Palestine Conflict.
     Another miracle happened when we decided to visit the Jerusalem Center at Brigham Young University's campus.  We were told that it's very difficult to be allowed in.  But we walked the short distance anyway and, to our surprise, they allowed us to tour the campus!!!  I felt warm inside as they explained some of the functions and features of BYU Jerusalem.  The campus is situated on the Mount of Olives near the Garden of Gethsemane.  They gave us a free concert in the auditorium which, has huge windows that overlook the entire city.  As soon as that music started, I fought back tears.  It was a very spiritual experience to think of how significant this place is to the Lord. Thinking about Jesus was born, taught, healed and died in this area was almost overwhelming.

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