Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mystery Nut

     I discovered this nut tree along the road on my way to the market.  I have no idea what kind of nut it is, but it's at a pretty stage of green.  A man told me that if I come back in September I can eat it.  Hmmm.
     Today, our group visited a center for domestic violence which was started by Queen Rania of Jordan. The queen is beautiful, educated in the U.S. and very loved here.
     Afterwards we had a final shopping day.  The streets are loaded with little stands that sell fresh fruit drinks of every kind for one JD (Jordan Danar - approx. a dollar).  They're delicious and refreshing. Yummy!
    The people love talking to Americans and will shout "Welcome to us."  We were walking along the busy streets just shopping when a few guys came up to us and just started walking with us and asked us how we like Jordan and where we're from.  Everywhere we've gone, they exhibit such warm hospitality.  It's so touching!      

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