Friday, May 9, 2014

P.S. That's Judner and me in front of Notre Dame.  Talk about exquisite!!!  The stained glass windows, arched and painted ceilings and extravagant architecture could take days to observe if you had the time. They had an actual service going on with the music of a lovely soprano voice and a priest in long robes conducting the meeting.  That's a place of worship for sincere believers and it made me feel warm inside.  

1 comment:

  1. AAHHHHAHA! Yay you made it... I dont use this particular email so I didnt know you had left or what you schedule was... So glad you have a blog so I can keep up with what you're doing... but please change the email cuz i dont use the darlie.braden one (just checked it to look a past email i sent) the email i use now is HAve a great time!!! I love hearing about the sites i have seen and experienced myself. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
