Sunday, May 25, 2014

Shopping in Amman Jordan

Downtown Amman Jordan was a crowded mess when we went shopping today!  It's the craziest mix of modern and medieval you've ever seen!  There are open vegetable and fruit stands with open-back trucks full of veggies alongside skyscrapers and luxury cars.  Jordanians are friendly and sophisticated although many wear the traditional Muslim clothing which makes it seem like you've gone back in time.  Th funniest thing was to see a guy in the long dress-type shirts and typical Jordanian head scarf while talking on his cell phone.  Even the Bedouins, who live in dirty make-shift tents and tend sheep and goats in the desert still have cell phones.  It's baffling.
We just relaxed and shopped.  They still like to bargain, but not like in Jerusalem.    

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