Monday, May 26, 2014

Student politics

     Today we visited the University of Jordan where, we had political lectures and student discussions about the Israel-Palestine conflict.  The consensus seems to be that Arabs believe America sides with Israel, ignores Israel's wrong-doings and won't see the Muslim perspective.  The talks were respectful and spirited and we left feeling more aware.  We also felt a warm spirit of friendship.  The Arab people are generous and caring hosts who, want America to know all sides of the issues.
    I've taken almost 4,000 photos.  Many of them are numerous pictures of the same plants hoping to get just one, really great shot.  Fig, olives and cedars are the ones I've most photographed.  So much to shoot, so little time left!!!
     I miss; my family, friends, bed, warm showers and fellow ward members.
     When I leave this land, I will take with me some of the most beloved memories of a people who, desire our friendship and attention.  A land full of potential, divided by political unrest.  And, a desire to return to complete my book.

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